ios vs android development 2011
iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows 8? A coder's guide.
Survey Report: Android And iOS Most Popular Development - Distimo.
Understanding the iOS and Android Market in China.
ios vs android development 2011
Apps Look Better On iOS Or Android? -- AppAdvice.
Jan 30, 2013. Survey Report: Android And iOS Most Popular Development Platforms. latest research, compared to 2.7 in 2012 and 3.2 in our 2011 research.. 80 f respondents in our sample develop for Android, iOS or both, making.
Posted: 08:16 AM 09-15-2011. developing tools for Android not very user friendly yet. With android you're delivering to all android phones and tablets, but when developing for iOS, you're developing for every iPhone, iPad, and iPod Toch.
My $.2 on Android dev vs iPhone dev -
Now, before I attract the ire of a hundred thousand iOS developers (probably. probably know some Java or some C#, which for the purposes of developing on Android is close enough. .. Friday 16 September 2011 07.11 BST uk.
Apr 19, 2011. Yesterday I wrote about the growth in Android vs.. But what about the poor saps that are funding the development? .. because a simple visit to Nasdaq would have shown you AAPL has been in the (+) since Jan 1 2011.
Dec 20, 2011. Android, as we wrote recently, still trails iOS as a money-maker for app developers. StartApp pays out $10-$50 to developers for every 1,000 downloads or shares in the. In A Day Development Tuesday, December 20 2011.
Jun 13, 2011. Perhaps not surprisingly, because they were all at an Apple conference, 100 prefer iOS Piper Jaffray's Gene Munster attended Apple's.
iOS vs Android from a dev perspective - Unity Community.
ios vs android development 2011
iOS developer survey: 47 re on Android too, only 7 n Mac.Android's app revenue gap and how developers cope — Tech News.